Although we’ve shared this article before. We still feel that this particular write up is always an important topic to revisit. There’s a lot of talk and a number of articles discussing “the war for talent” and how difficult it is to attract and hire the level of talent that…
October was “Manufacturing Month” in North America. And, since most of our Clients are manufacturers we thought this article by Mark Humphlett deserved a reprint. In the article, Mark effectively summarizes the impact of change on both manufacturing jobs and the industry in general. He also sounds the alarm…
When we first saw this article “Unconscious Gender Bias Still Obstructs Women in Manufacturing” at My first inclination was to pass it by as outdated since we are so much more enlightened. And then I thought about just how few women we know running manufacturing operations here in…
In recent years, and in growing numbers, we’re finding that companies are reluctant to provide References on former employees. In fact, it’s become common that all we’re able to gather is confirmation of employment and job function. Which does little to support the former employee’s candidacy for hire elsewhere….
We’re constantly bombarded with articles and complaints about how hard it is to find good employees and then how hard it is to retain good employees once we find them. As the real estate market has tipped the advantage to the seller, so has the employment market tipped the…
When we came across this “Do Hiring Managers Need to Meet with Recruiters” article by Mark Smith of people2people, an Australian Recruitment Firm, it really hit home. We constantly hear that others in the Recruitment Field don’t spend as much time at Customer locations. And don’t spend as much…
We came across this article by Sally Helgesen in reference to the challenges we face employing, and profiting from, Millennials who we’re told want meaning from their work. Not all businesses can be green, save the environment, or cure diseases. In fact, some of our clients design and manufacture…
This article by Gustavo Razzetti caught our eye because the title seems counter-intuitive to all the modern discussions about hiring people who fit our company cultures. He opens by accepting that “culture is the glue that brings a team or organization together”. Which we all can accept as common…
When we first saw this article “Unconscious Gender Bias Still Obstructs Women in Manufacturing” at, my first inclination was to pass it by as outdated since we are so much more enlightened. And then I thought about just how few women we know running manufacturing operations here in SW…