October was “Manufacturing Month” in North America. And, since most of our Clients are manufacturers we thought this article by Mark Humphlett deserved a reprint. In the article, Mark effectively summarizes the impact of change on both manufacturing jobs and the industry in general. He also sounds the alarm that young people have been conditioned to turn away from careers in manufacturing.
Certainly, my generation and my parents’ generation are guilty of wanting the best for our children. Ultimately, driving them to post-secondary education to prepare for “professional” careers. In doing so, we’ve contributed to whole generations turning away from solid careers in the Trades or in Manufacturing. We’ve seen schools cancel their “shop” programs in favour of “white collar” studies. Now, we have new generations of youth who aren’t interested in “factory work” and who can’t find “white collar” jobs. Positions that aren’t meeting their expectations at the same time that Boomers are leaving the manufacturing work force.
We hope that Manufacturing Month and Manufacturing Day have enhanced the profiles of local industries in their communities. Along with providing a showcase for the kinds of solid, well-paying jobs in manufacturing that are left unfilled in our communities.
Enjoy the Article! ~ Jim Fairfax