How To Create Meaning At Work When The Outcome Isn’t Always Meaningful

By July 24, 2018Employers Articles


We came across this article by Sally Helgesen in reference to the challenges we face employing, and profiting from, Millennials who we’re told want meaning from their work. Not all businesses can be green, save the environment, or cure diseases. In fact, some of our clients design and manufacture products for military applications. And, we have had candidates withdraw from these Search Projects on “ethical” grounds.

So, whether our clients manufacture paper clips, pumps, valves, office furniture, dairy products, or electrical connectors. How can they appeal to Millennials looking for “meaning” from work? Sally leads us to a conclusion that, instead of “meaning”, we build workplace cultures that nourish “engagement”. By making Millennials feel important as employees, by developing an open, collaborative culture of team work and recognition.

Regardless of the products we make or the customers we serve, we can control our workplace cultures and, by being proactive, we can lure and retain the Millennials we need to replace the retiring Boomers on our staffs.

Enjoy the Article ~ Jim Fairfax

How To Create Meaning At Work When The Outcome Isn’t Always Meaningful

~ Sally Helgesen, Strategy + Business

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